Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Systems - Ghost Medicine (Self-released, 2011)

Systems' sound is difficult to peg. One could easily tag them with a dozen different sub-genres when discussing elements and influences. At the very least, they are a technically proficient experimental metal band. Traditionally, the elements combined on this album would be considered disparate. The magic lies in the way these guys manage to intertwine everything, giving it a natural fluidity, and managing to keep the listener's attention throughout.

This is a North Carolina band that emanates the sounds of French post-metal from the last decade, a la Overmars or some incarnation of the infamous Neige (Alcest, Amesoeurs, etc.). Equally present are the tried and true sounds of Neurot, thrash, hardcore, and death metal. The music is all rounded out with a hybrid of black metal growling vocals and baritone singing.

Nothing is contrived here. Nothing is innocuous. Ghost Medicine is a masterfully executed narrative of melancholy, beauty and brutality, an original album with brilliant production.

Buy the LP / digital album HERE

And if you're in Asheville, NC October 30, see them perform live at The Get Down alongside Black Skies, Hull and Mortals.
