Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Landing - S/T (Geographic North, 2012)

I discovered this album about 48 hours ago and I've listened to it a couple dozen times. This is no exaggeration. The record is perfect. "A fascinating, complex, intricate and engaging take on Shoegaze and Post-rock" is not something I thought I'd ever say again, but Landing has created just that.

The band covers a lot of ground here. There's the classic space rock production complete with lots of reverb a la Slowdive, and guitars reminiscent of The Cure and early sounds from U2's The Edge (Boy - October era). Lots of '80-'82 4AD going on here. The Joy Division-like basslines are danceable yet dark and hooky (no pun intended), and the drummer has an incredibly distinct motorik style. He stutters quite a bit, playing just a bit behind the rhythms, which is something I'm a sucker for. An immensely talented percussionist, he really steals the show, and this is a really impressive show.

This band just has so many elements. I keep hearing things underneath the pop structure. Just caught a bit of White Rainbow vocal layering and a Yo La Tengo progression. There's even a track that sounds a bit like the good parts of  Broken Social Scene back when they were really good.

 I cannot get enough of this. Try it out on Spotify (no live links to download) and buy their record HERE!


  1. Wow, so glad you're enjoying the album!! Thanks for the kind words!

  2. Just received my vinyl in the mail. Thank you! By the way, Geographic North shipped incredibly fast. I'll spread the word on that as well.

